How can you grow Tradescantia nanouk at your home easily

How can you grow Tradescantia nanouk at your home easily

Tradescantia albiflora ‘Nanouk’, or simply nanouk, is an eye-catching houseplant. The fuzzy leaves have vibrant pink and green stripes.

This patented variety was originally developed in the Netherlands and is now a favorite among houseplant lovers.

How to spread nanouk? Propagation of nanouk can be easily accomplished by one of three methods: root cuttings in water, root cuttings in soil, or by dividing the plant. Rooting cuttings in water is usually the fastest method with roots emerging within 1 week. Rooting can take 2-4 weeks with the soil method.

Tradescantia ‘Nanouk’ looks even more impressive when full and bushy. This can be easily achieved by propagating several plants and placing them all in the same container.

You will be able to spread an infinite number of these beauties after this article explains all the information you need.