Charming and elegant porch design ideas for Winter

Charming and elegant porch design ideas for Winter

While red and green will always be popular at Christmas, color variations abound. Some design-minded decorators choose to skip the green and stick to classic red and white decor. Others may opt for lighter touches in traditional tones, such as sage green, pinks, and shimmering rose gold, like these shatterproof rose gold ornaments on Amazon. Blues also flourish, with Victorian-era blue-and-white china inspiring layers of blues mixed with winter white.

Given the general trend towards using more sustainable materials in the home, it’s no wonder that paper decorations are popping up everywhere. Eco-friendly and easy to DIY, paper options include folded stars, accordion Christmas trees, cut-out ornaments, chain garlands, and even glitter made from multi-colored paper. For a magical touch, consider hanging DIY snowflake garlands in a window or doorway, or skip the DIY with these paper snowflakes available on Amazon.

Another holiday season is upon us, so it’s time to dust off the decorations and get into the Christmas spirit. As in previous years, the focus remains on spending meaningful time at home with family and friends. There is a longing for the good old days, but many long for new beginnings.

These desires are reflected in holiday decor that is both modern and meaningful, combining family traditions with current trends. Today’s decorations have new colors, shapes and styles, but draw inspiration from familiar sources, such as nature, vintage glamor and understated elegance. Discover this year’s trends in Christmas decoration and get ready to decorate the halls like a pro for Christmas 2022.