15 heartwarming stairs bookcase ideas for a peaceful reading

15 heartwarming stairs bookcase ideas for a peaceful reading

Here’s something about a bookcase and a case with stairs that makes us feel cozy and nostalgic. From quaint to modern, we present to you 20 amazing multi-functional bookcase stairs that double as libraries and stunning interior decor. A bookcase staircase can really transform an entire space with just a simple remodeling installation of your stairs. Here are some of our favorites:

1. This floating staircase aligns each step with each shelf, creating a cool textured and graphic look. A white wall contrasted with light book spines and copper accents make this set pop.

Floating staircase in wooden bookcase

2. Multi-purpose stairs are a great way to save space and decorate with efficiency. Large open cubes like these would be perfect for displaying more decorative details or storing old knick-knacks and papers behind the books.