12+ fabulous vintage kitchen designs with flowers and views

12+ fabulous vintage kitchen designs with flowers and views

Kitchens in the 50s were known for bright pastels, bubble-shaped appliances and colorful linoleum. These features created bright, charming spaces for the whole family to gather. Although many things remain the same from the 50s kitchen, such as the unitary cabinets, wall ovens and electric or gas appliances, many design aspects have changed.

Brightly colored steel cabinets were fashionable in the 50s. In the 1970s, however, particle board was used because of its affordability over steel and plywood. Opting for less color, many homeowners decided to go with a rustic vibe and chose knotty pine for their cabinets.

Most 50s kitchens had Formica countertops with metal bands around the edges. Another popular trend was colored appliances to match your cabinets. You almost miss those yellow and blue dishwashers that were so common in the 50s!

There was a wide range of kitchen styles in the 50s. For example, you had everything from sleek and modern to country sweet. Meanwhile, wood was often used for the cottage look, while many modern kitchens had white cabinets and appliances.

But in every 50s kitchen there was a lot of color and geometric design. In other words, expect the walls to be full of pastels and the linoleum to be colored and checkered. Linoleum was a great advance for 50s kitchens. Because it meant a softer walking surface, a variety of colors and an almost apparent fit.