Cute cottages for a piece of peace

  If you’re coming to Northumberland for more than just a day trip, you’ll be looking for somewhere to stay. Unless you’re interested in camping or looking for something completely unique, your accommodation will likely be either in a hotel or in a cabin. Not everyone is completely clear on …

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Amazing kitchens with bulb lights

The kitchen is a versatile room and the lighting must primarily be functional but also decorative. Functional lighting helps the chef see what he or she is doing while cooking and it helps them keep their fingers out from under the edge of the knife! Kitchen lighting has come a …

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9 best vintage decor for your kitchens

  Many people think that red kitchen accessories will make their house look like a circus. They think decorating it with red items is too retro and makes it look old fashioned. All this is not true at all. Red is certainly a retro color, but it’s becoming a new …

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Elegant kitchen sinks with window and view

  To stay away from having a draining experience, one should pay attention when installing the same because this is the zone of the kitchen that will have to endure a lot. The market offers a wide range of choices. Now let’s learn more about this imperative part without which …

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9+ Diy wood fountain designs for your garden

  Do you happen to have some extra logs or is there a fallen tree trunk in your place? If yes, use it in a creative way and do something with it for your garden to give a rustic feel. Turn your backyard garden into an art project with these …

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15 perfect solid wooden table designs

  The most common office and home furniture is the table and we have different types of tables that largely depend on the material used to make them. However, the common type is the wooden tables found in almost every home. Wood has this touch of natural elegance which it …

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Amazing vintage kitchen designs with view

  In the 1930s, the kitchen was transformed from the old-fashioned kitchen to the “Streamlined-Modern Kitchen” with time-saving features, better organization and much improved ventilation. The “all-electric kitchen” was promoted in popular magazines with many advertisements showing newly designed small and large appliances. Mixers were the homemaker’s dream now designed …

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14 perfect interior designs with stairs

When you move into a newly built home, chances are good that your interior stair railings are properly installed and meet building codes. But when you’re moving into an existing home, how do you know if your stairs and railings are up to code and safe? The reality of the …

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12 Wonderful walkpath ideas for your backyard

  Our last house was built on a slope, and one of our biggest challenges was how to build the stairs accessing the backyard. There were so many options available, and each one suggested a different level of effort and expense. Here is an overview of the different types of …

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12+ wooden mountain houses for a relaxing holiday

  In today’s fast-moving world, ecological materials are returning to modern construction processes. There is a lot of information about sustainable living and healthy living. Living conditions are probably the most important aspect of our lives. More and more people are trying to live a healthy lifestyle and to live …

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