How to grow Jasmine at your garden easily.. Add charm to your home..

Earth and water
Jasmine plants prefer well-drained, fertile garden soil that is consistently moist. If the soil does not drain bra, incorporate organic matter. Water jasmine in the garden once a week. Indoor jasmine requires more frequent watering – as much as two to three times a week.

Unless the garden soil is poor, jasmine plants in the garden do not need much extra fertilizer. However, gardeners can increase flowering by feeding the plants with a fertilizer with a higher potassium ratio, such as 7-9-5, beginning when new growth appears in late winter or early spring. Several commercial products are available in concentrated form. Mix them with water according to the product instructions and apply at regular watering times. The same fertilizer can be applied to jasmine grown as houseplants.

Bushy sorters of jasmine need regular pruning to keep the plants maintained. Many bushy types will run or vine if left unchecked. Keep up with regular pruning of shrubs to help keep them from getting too spindly. Pruning should be done after the major flowering cycle, but the plant can also be pruned lightly throughout the year. To maintain plant growth, prune plants after a heavy flowering cycle.

Potting and repotting Jasmine
Jasmine is lovely as a houseplant. It does best with at least six hours of strong, indirect light and well-draining potting soil that is slightly acidic. Add bark or peat to the soil for best results. The tricky part is keeping the plant in an area that is between 60°F and 75°F around the clock. Jasmine likes to be rooted, so repot jasmine about every three years into just a slightly larger pot.