Gorgeous 15+ Candle Decors For Christmas

Gorgeous 15+ Candle Decors For Christmas

A few candles can light up a room with their warm glow, but they add even more to your decor with some unique, beautiful embellishments. With a little glue, a few decorations and lots of creativity, you can turn an ordinary candle into the centerpiece of your table.

Put paper on the areas you don’t want glitter. You can wrap strips of tissue paper around the candle and tie them in place, or tape down individual pieces to create different patterns. Plan out how you want your candle to look, then tie or tape the paper to start the decorating process
Tip: You can cut out fun shapes to glitter around, or simply use straight strips to make stripes. For thinner or more precise shapes, try using masking tape or even rubber bands.

Brush Mod Podge onto the areas you want to cover. Use a paintbrush or craft brush to spread a thin, even layer of Mod Podge onto the candle. You can paint over the edges of the paper to ensure full coverage, but try not to cover the paper completely.
If you don’t have Mod Podge, you can make your own or use regular liquid glue, although the glitter may not stay as long.

Sprinkle glitter over the candle. Thick layers of glitter look best on light, making the glitter look nicer and more professional. You should not be able to see any of the light surface underneath. You will get glitter on your work surface, so lay down newspapers beforehand to catch it. Tap the bottom of the candle gently against the surface when you’re done to knock off any extra glitter.
Match the glitter color to your candle and your event. For example, you can pair red glitter with a white candle for the holidays, or put black glitter on an orange candle for Halloween.

Let the candle dry and then seal it with Mod Podge sealer. Leave the candle on the work surface overnight to dry. Once dry, remove the paper cutouts and spray the glitter with Mod Podge clear sealer to make it last longer.