Add elegance to your kitchen with stylish candle decorations for Christmas

Add elegance to your kitchen with stylish candle decorations for Christmas

From warm pumpkin to clean and fresh linen, there is an endless variety of deliciously scented candles to choose from. But if you look closely, you’ll notice that not all candles are made from the same type of wax – even if they look almost identical. Like fragrances, there are a variety of wax materials that candles can be made from, whether store-bought or handmade. “Wax is considered the ‘fuel’ of your candle,” says Chrissy Fitchl, founder and CEO of Apotheke, an artisan candle company in Brooklyn. “When melted, it evaporates, which is how the scent is released into your home.”

While there are a number of different types of candle wax—including blends—the most popular are paraffin (also known as mineral wax), soy, and beeswax, Fitchl says. Coconut wax – a relative newcomer – is also gaining popularity, she adds. So which type of candle wax is better? The answer is not completely cut and dry, as the different types all have pros and cons.