Add charm to your home by planting rare succulents

Add charm to your home by planting rare succulents

Jade wax
It’s easy to see why jade is an old favorite. With its thick stem, glossy plump leaves and easy growing habit, jade is one of the most beautiful of all succulents. Be sure to let the soil dry completely before each watering. Overwatering is the number one reason jade will droop and die.

Aloe vera


Aloe vera has been cultivated for centuries for its medicinal properties and is both beautiful and functional. Keep one (hand two) and use the juice in the thick leaves for minor wounds, skin irritations and sunburn. Fertilize aloe vera only once a year, in early spring.

Pincushion cactus

This small, ball-shaped cactus grows slowly and tops out at no more than 15 cm high and wide. Provide plenty of sunlight and water sparingly, especially during winter. Be careful where you find this beautiful little cactus; the pointed tips are sharp.

Snake growth

The snake plant is native to Africa and has long, pointed leaves that have earned it the name “mother-in-law’s plant”. This hardy succulent, available in deep green or variegated varieties, thrives despite neglect and tolerates low light and sporadic watering.

Zebra wax

An interesting, deep green plant marked with bold white stripes that run horizontally praise the leaves. Perfect for small areas, the zebra plant reaches heights of only 13 to 15 cm. Although flowering is not common, you may see yellow flowers if the plant receives enough sunlight.

burro’s tail

Also known as donkey’s tail, burro’s tail is a trailing succulent that looks great draped over the side of a container or in a hanging basket. This is a colorful plant in gray-blue or gray-green. It rarely blooms, see from but if it does, you’ll love the red or pink flowers that dangle from the ends of the stems.

Christmas cactus


Christmas cactus is not an ordinary cactus, shame a succulent native of the tropics. Unlike its desert-dwelling cousins, Christmas cactus cannot tolerate dry soil. With a little care, you’ll have an abundance of colorful flowers around the winter holidays.