16 inspiring vintage study room design ideas

16 inspiring vintage study room design ideas

With more and more people working from home, a study or home office has become more relevant than ever, prompting many to look for ways to renovate their work spaces to make them more comfortable.

In this case, comfort is not only a matter of desire but also of production. Working from home has many advantages, but it can also be difficult for people to stay motivated and focused. Here we’re going to look at a number of renovation ideas that help people stay in their study/home office and get work done.

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image © pexels

1. Increase shelf space
While it’s true that most things are stored online these days, either on hard drive or in the cloud, many people still require a number of books, binders and paperwork to do their job properly. “If there isn’t enough shelf space to house these items, they end up in piles on desks or even on the floor. Not only is this an efficient way to store items that you may need to access, but it also creates clutter, which can have an impact on one’s mental space and motivation,” writes Jacob Holtz, from a lifestyle blogger at UK Writings and Boom Essays.

2. Install a water cooler/coffee pot
It may seem like a strange proposition to some people, but installing a water cooler or coffee pot (or both?) in your home office or study space can do wonders for improving productivity.

Whenever a person gets up to grab a drink of water or a fresh cup of coffee from the kitchen, it opens up a world of distractions. For example, imagine a person working on whatever project they have on the go when thirst motivates them to grab a cup of water. The trip to the kitchen may take them past the living room, where they may be tempted to sit down and watch “just one episode” of their favorite show or play “just one game” of whatever video game they’re currently playing. As mentioned in the opening paragraph, one of the main problems people have with working from home is staying focused, and this focus is usually broken when they leave their home office/study. By installing a water cooler or coffee maker, a person can eliminate one of the most common reasons they may be tempted to leave.

In the last two decades, psychologists have really begun to understand how our environments affect our mental state. “As many would attest, modern research has shown that noisy and cluttered spaces will distract people and make it harder to concentrate. Because of this, many successful companies have begun designing their workplaces with these concepts in mind,” writes Helen Vick, from design writer at Writing populist and Student Writing Services.

While some people may see many co-working spaces with colorful artwork, strong colors, and funky furniture, these types of design decisions don’t help us stay focused and maintain a clear mind. Unfortunately, far too many choose style over substance when renovating their home office/study.