16 amazing vintage study room design ideas

16 amazing vintage study room design ideas

For a small study, stick to neutral colors or a white study if you can. It will make the whole space feel bigger and more spacious. The desks, seating, books, furniture and home decor items will add all the color you need to make it shine brighter. As long as your canvas is light, it will reflect the light and make for a nicer work room decor.

For dedicated study rooms, consider pastel shades of bold colors or soothing jewel tones. Red, blue, green, brown and yellow or golden colors look elegant and lively. According to the psychology of colors, these shades inspire different emotions that help put the room’s functionality into perspective.

Try to avoid dark colors like black and indigo but if you are so inclined, you can always use shades of gray for walls and upholstery.