10 amazing attic kitchen design ideas

10 amazing attic kitchen design ideas


Loft spaces are thought to be tricky to decorate but they are not – there are some simple tips to follow to create a comfortable space. Today we will take a look at some tips and ideas for decorating an attic kitchen to make it functional and welcoming even if it is very small. Let’s begin.

Use every inch of space
Especially if your space is small, you should squeeze the maximum out of it, and an attic space is no exception. Fit your cupboards and shelves in the best possible way under the attic, don’t be afraid that they won’t be usable – they will. It is believed that attic spaces do not fit upper cabinets, but this is not so: the cabinets can also be upper, just cut them according to the angle. When it comes to shelves, it’s even easier, it can be a spice rack or a pot rack that goes straight under the angle, it’s not difficult to mount one.