Stunning Calathea Varieties to Take Your Breath Away

1. Calathea ornata

Reclassified as Goeppertia ornata, this beauty is commonly known as Pinstripe Plant for obvious reasons. It is native to Colombia and Venezuela.

Its long, dark green leaves with pink stripes (and maroon undersides) are striking.


2. Calathea lancifolia

Previously known as Calathea lancifolia, the correct botanical name for this plant is Goeppertia insignis, and is commonly known as Rattlesnake Plant.

Few plants can beat the foliage markings of this Brazilian species.

Calathea lancifolia

The Rattlesnake Calathea is one of my favorites, and it is among the most forgiving in the genus.

3. Calathea orbifolia

Reclassified as Goeppertia orbifolia, this is another beauty. Its gorgeous, bright green leaves have subtle silvery stripes.

Native to eastern Brazil, these plants can get quite large when mature (up to 2 to 2.5 feet).

Calathea orbifolia

4. Calathea makoyana

Reclassified as Goeppertia makoyana, this Brazilian native is commonly known as Peacock Plant due to its striking resemblance to peacock feather markings.

5. Calathea roseopicta

Correctly named Goeppertia roseopicta, there are many cultivars of this species with striking foliage.

Native to western South America and western Brazil.


6. Calathea zebrina

Reclassified as Goeppertia zebrina, this species gets its name due to its zebra-like stripes on the foliage.

It is native to Brazil.


7. Calathea crocata

Reclassified as Goeppertia crocata, this native of Brazil is commonly known as Eternal Flame Plant because of its brilliant orange flowers.


8. Calathea warscewiczii

Native to Central America, Geoppertia warszewiczii is commonly know as the Jungle Velvet plant.


If you are looking for a place to buy Calatheas, check out the Calatheas on Etsy (link to Etsy). It’s a great one-stop-shop for any plant you are looking for! The selection is staggering and you can find practically anything!

9. Calathea musaica

The correct botanical name for this plant is Goeppertia kegeljanii and is one of the most stunning foliage plants. It is also sometimes incorrectly known as Calathea bella.

This Brazilian native is commonly called Network Plant due to its intricate and fine patterns on the foliage.


10. Calathea rufibarba

Native to Brazil, Goeppertia rufibarba is the correct name for this plant. The foliage is not as striking as other Calathea species, but it is unique in that the undersides of the leaves and stems are covered in a hair-like fuzz.

It has many common names including Velvet Calathea and Furry Feather plant.