Street art designs for exterior house designs

You can be almost anywhere in the world, and you will probably see graffiti. Although graffiti art is generally common in large, the reality is that it can occur in almost any community, large or small.

The problem with graffiti art is the question of whether it is really art, or just pure vandalism. This is not always an easy question to answer, simply because there are so many different types of graffiti. Some are simply a monochrome collection of letters, known as a tag, with little artistic merit. Because it is quick to produce and small, it is one of the most widespread and common forms of graffiti.

Although tagging is the most common type of graffiti, there are larger, more elaborate examples that feature larger spaces, such as walls. These are often multi-colored and complex in design, and therefore begin to enter the boundary of truly defining graffiti art.

If it weren’t for the fact that most graffiti is placed on private property without the owner’s permission, it might be more recognized as a legitimate form of art. However, most graffiti art is merely an annoyance to the property owner, who is more likely to paint over it or remove it than to applaud its artistic merit.

Many solutions have been put into practice around the world, with varying degrees of success. Paints have been developed that basically dissolve graffiti paint when applied, or make it quick and easy to remove. Community groups and government agencies coordinate graffiti removal teams.

In some places, you can’t buy spray paint unless you’re over 18. Cans of spray paint are locked in booths. In a nearby area, the city council hires someone to go around and repaint any fences damaged by graffiti. A friend of mine has repainted sitting at least 7 times, and it took him a while to figure out why it happened! Certainly the amount of graffiti in my neighborhood has decreased significantly in the last year or two, so it seems that these methods are working to a large extent.