Elegant and soft interior design ideas

An eclectic room, done well, will reflect your different tastes and travels, yet have a harmonious overall feel. The eye should be able to travel around the space comfortably and enjoy the uniqueness of the displays without having them overwhelm the focal points.

So how do you achieve “good eclectic?” Start by deciding how you want a room to feel: aged, collected over time, elegant, clean, fresh, exciting, bold, warm, relaxing, etc. Next, you want to group together all the elements that will contribute to your desired overall feel , and omit those that do not. For example, if you’re trying to achieve a down-to-earth, well-traveled look, you would NOT incorporate your Andy Warhol reproduction (or your Andy Warhol original, for that matter). Things you CAN include could be your antique clock collection, that bench you found up north, that oriental rug you fell in love with in India, and those folk art pieces from your dad.

Can it be tricky? Yes, it can, especially because we all have a hard time looking objectively at our beloved possessions. A professional decorator can help you blend (and edit!) your tastes and belongings into a space that feels rich, historic and authentic to you by making sure items are shown in their best light, rather than competing with each other. At OnlineHomeDecorating.com, our team of professional interior designers have created each room design with all the elements you need for a beautiful, fully finished room, while leaving enough room for you to incorporate the items that tell your personal story. .. without losing track of the action!

K. Nichols is the creator of Online Home Decorating, the ONLY site on the web where you can purchase complete room designs, made by professional decorators.

Now having beautiful design in YOUR home is as easy as choosing your perfect look and instantly downloading all the information you need to recreate it exactly – item by item – at your own pace and to whatever budget suits you. .. without spending thousands to hire a designer! Browse our catalog of rooms and redo your work today.