Charming garden island ideas and garden decors

Charming garden island ideas and garden decors

This is the easiest houseplant you’ll ever have because it’s impossible to kill, never needs feeding, and isn’t overly sensitive to light. And aside from its low maintenance content, rooted plants in water are well-suited to pretty much any setting, from minimalist aesthetics to eclectic spaces. We show you how to succeed with this trendy but timeless approach to indoor plants.

Not all plants will respond well to indoor hydroponics, but there are still plenty of great options. Herbs (mint, oregano, basil, rosemary, lavender and sage) grow quickly in water and will even begin to produce a new leaf each day. Some houseplants that work well are English ivy, philodendron, tradescantia, purple passion, coleus, and of course that old-is-new-again favorite: lucky bamboo. Finally, if you want to add more flowers to your home, root some begonias or impatiens in water. They will even bloom during the winter!

Once you’ve found your specimen or cut a piece from a friend’s garden, prepare it to grow roots. Cut just below a leaf at a point called the leaf node where the sections of the plant branch. This is where most of the rooting hormone is found in the plant, which will ensure growth.

The only tricky part is using the right water. The roots will get all their nutrition from the water, so you can’t just use the faucet. Bottled spring water or well water works best because of the higher levels of minerals. Place your cutting in a clear glass jar or vase so the roots can get some sun.