Amazing types of furry flowers you can consider growing this summer

Houseplants can be different where you can find all houseplants that come in different looks. But have you ever touched their texture? From one plant to another, you can tell their difference just by feeling their texture. Houseplants that are soft to the touch are called fuzzy foliage. This type of plant is identical for hairs on the surface that feel soft in the hands. The softness they have makes this plant stand out yet stunning. They also produce beautiful flower petals and leaves that feel like touching velvet. Let’s dive deeper into fuzzy flowers and their types!

The presence of fuzzy or silky plants causes them to be divided into different varieties for many reasons. Some plants whose texture feels downy and silky hands as a way to a survival mechanism, while some plants display soft petals and leaves to indicate that they have signs of distress.

Aside from the actual meaning of having flowers and leaves that are soft to the touch, plants with fuzzy body parts can add variety, attraction to the structure of your garden and improve the overall appearance of the ground.

Foliage can be referred to as fuzzy flowers if they have small hairs on the body. These hairs can help the plant reduce the amount of water from evaporation and leaves, making it easier to tolerate drought during the staple season.

Fuzzy flowers can only be noticed by touching their texture. Figuring out which houseplants are classified as fuzzy foliage without touching them is difficult because the difference is not based on their shape but on the sensation of touch.

Many fuzzy plants may surprise you at first because you have never touched them before. But the truth is, as we talked about earlier, some plants become fuzzy as a way to protect themselves.

Foliage plants that produce tiny hairs are marked by their stems, leaves or even flowers. These are what we call fuzzy flowers. Touching these parts is the best way to tell if a plant is fuzzy or not. You don’t have to worry because the soft texture you feel will never hurt your hands.

You can meet the variety of fuzzy flowers anywhere. You may never recognize their existence beforehand because sometimes plants that have a silky appearance and texture resemble regular houseplants.

Silky yet downy flowering plants are great for enhancing your garden. Before you decide on the best one to choose, here are some types of fuzzy flowers you need to know.

Chenille plant
Some people love to have flowers that look extraordinary in their country. For this Chenille Plant can interpret it. This type is popular because of its flowers that show its fuzzy flowers. If you want them in your garden, be sure to place them facing down.

Jerusalem Sage
Beautiful and bright, the flowers of Jerusalem Sage bloom perfectly in zones 8 through 10, while Jerusalem Sage will die in other regions. Some of you may think this type is familiar because flower arrangements usually use it.

Pussy Willow
Being part of the lucky flowers of the Chinese New Year, Pussy Willow is classified as one of the fuzzy flower types that produce soft petals that can be touched. This type of houseplant must be placed directly in the sun if you want to see its amazing silky but downy flower. People usually use Pussy Willow as home decoration.

Angel’s Hair Artemisia
Who wants to make their garden more attractive? If that person is you, you must consider having Angel’s Hair Artemisia in your garden. This type of fuzzy flowers is believed to invite birds and butterflies to your garden. Angel’s Hair Artemisia produces hair that comes in gray or silver. This downy foliage can sometimes become invasive, so be sure to always monitor their growth.

Fountain grass
Silky foliage is the best item to add more atmosphere to the garden. Fountain grass is another type similar to the previous one, it can become invasive if the condition is right. Fountain Grasses are well known for their ability to grow in different heights and colors. This plant shares flowers that feel silky in the hands, making anyone love it.

Dusty Miller
Dusty Miller is well known for its velvety gray leaves and is easy to spot in a region that has a warm climate. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t find this type in other regions. You can meet them as flower fillers. Dusty Miller is tricky at times as it can be seen in silver instead of grey. It depends on you.

Licorice plant
Touching leaves that feel like velvet is such an addiction for some people. The licorice plant is an example of fuzzy flower types that give you the experience of touching velvet. It is known for its advantage in adding extra floral and plant arrangements, licorice plant comes in gray to green