Adorn your garden with lilac unusual flowers

The latter brings us to the task of choosing bright flowers – think green flowers, yellow flowers and yes, especially pink flowers! There is no one-size-fits-all pink – while light pink flowers add an airy feel and can work as a neutral, light or warm pink bloom for drama. Check out this gallery for tons of in-the-pink picks!

With the arrival of spring, we can once again turn our attention to nature – and more specifically, our gardens. If you have acres filled with beds, you may be wondering when and how to prune your roses. Or if you’re short on land, you might be thinking about what kind of plants to use for porch and patio ideas. No matter how big or small your gardening tasks are, it’s time to think about what kind of flowers and plants you want to tackle. For inspiration, walk around your neighborhood, the local arboretum or botanical garden, or a nursery or two to find out what you like and what has the best fighting chance in your woods.