16+ Light blue Stoffer Kitchen designs for decor lovers


Some of you may have read that we’ve bought a home here in Wanaka (for those who haven’t gotten started yet, you can read a bit here ) so I wanted to share the concept design and inspiration for our recent renovation with you all, including some of my very latest and quick picks.

To be fair, our new home isn’t a total mess since it was built around 2000, but it hasn’t been touched in 20 years. It has an aubergine laminate kitchen (ick), dated bathrooms with plastic showers, an old tiled roof, poorly insulated exterior cladding and very disgusting carpet. And right now it doesn’t smell so good either!

Since we only have a number of weeks left on our short term rental, we need to do as much as we can over the next month or so to make our new home livable. This means quickly opening up a wall or two, laying new wood floors and carpeting, new paint throughout, re-dressing the exterior and new roof, and renovating at least one bathroom.