

verb (used with object), res·cued, res·cu·ing.

  1. to free or deliver from confinement, violence, danger, or evil.
  2. Law. to liberate or take by forcible or illegal means from lawful custody.


  1. the act of rescuing.


  1. of or relating to someone or something trained or equipped to rescue: a rescue dog.

verb -cues, -cuing or -cued (tr)

  1. to bring (someone or something) out of danger, attack, harm, etc; deliver or save
  2. to free (a person) from legal custody by force
  3. law to seize (goods or property) by force


    1. the act or an instance of rescuing
    2. (as modifier)a rescue party
  1. the forcible removal of a person from legal custody
  2. law the forcible seizure of goods or property

late 14c., from rescue (v.). Earlier noun was rescous (early 14c.), from Old French rescous.


c.1300, from stem of Old French rescorre “protect, keep safe; free, deliver” (Modern French recourre), from re-, intensive prefix (see re-), + escourre “to cast off, discharge,” from Latin excutere “to shake off, drive away,” from ex- “out” (see ex-) + -cutere, combining form of quatere “to shake” (see quash). Related: Rescued; rescuing.

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