

Perrin [pe-ran] Examples noun

  1. Jean Bap·tiste [zhahn ba-teest] /ʒɑ̃ baˈtist/, 1870–1942, French physicist and chemist: Nobel Prize in physics 1926.

Examples from the Web for perrin Historical Examples of perrin

  • “I don’t understand,” said Perrin, listening very attentively.

    My Double Life

    Sarah Bernhardt

  • As for me, I will own that to get Perrin in a fury was one of my delights.

    My Double Life

    Sarah Bernhardt

  • And the next day Perrin told me that my proposal was rejected.

    My Double Life

    Sarah Bernhardt

  • He brought it out of one of his numerous pockets and gave it to Perrin to read.

    My Double Life

    Sarah Bernhardt

  • When this rehearsal was over Perrin came to me; he had an affectionate and constrained air.

    My Double Life

    Sarah Bernhardt

  • British Dictionary definitions for perrin Perrin noun

    1. Jean Baptiste (ʒɑ̃ batist). 1870–1942, French physicist. His researches on the distribution and diffusion of particles in colloids (1911) gave evidence for the physical reality of molecules, confirmed the explanation of Brownian movement in terms of kinetic theory, and determined the magnitude of the Avogadro constant. He also studied cathode rays: Nobel prize for physics 1926
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