

verb (used with object), nudged, nudg·ing.

  1. to push slightly or gently, especially with the elbow, to get someone’s attention, prod someone into action, etc.

verb (used without object), nudged, nudg·ing.

  1. to give a nudge.


  1. a slight or gentle push or jog, especially with the elbow.

verb (used with object), nudged, nudg·ing.

  1. to annoy with persistent complaints, criticisms, or pleas; nag: He was always nudging his son to move to a better neighborhood.

verb (used without object), nudged, nudg·ing.

  1. to nag, whine, or carp.


  1. a person who nudges; pest.

verb (tr)

  1. to push or poke (someone) gently, esp with the elbow, to get attention; jog
  2. to push slowly or lightlyas I drove out, I just nudged the gatepost
  3. to give (someone) a gentle reminder or encouragement


  1. a gentle poke or push
  2. a gentle reminder

n.2“a slight push,” 1836, from nudge (v.). v.“to push slightly with the elbow,” 1670s, perhaps from Scandinavian (cf. Norwegian nugge, nyggje “to jostle, rub;” Icelandic nugga “to rub, massage”). Related: Nudged; nudging. n.1“complainer, nagger,” 1960s, from Yiddish, from Slavic words meaning “fret, ache,” realted to the root of nudnik (q.v.).

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