


  1. George Washington,1864?–1943, U.S. botanist and chemist.
  2. John,1575?–1621, Pilgrim leader: first governor of Plymouth Colony 1620–21.
  3. Raymond,1938–88, U.S. short-story writer and poet.


  1. a carving knife
  2. (plural) a large matched knife and fork for carving meat
  3. British a chair with arms that forms part of a set of dining chairs


  1. George Washington. ?1864–1943, US agricultural chemist and botanist

late 14c. (late 13c. as a surname), “one who carves” (in some sense); agent noun from carve (v.). In a set of dining chairs, the one with the arms, usually at the head of the table, is the carver (1927), reserved for the one who carves.

  1. American botanist and educator whose work was instrumental in improving the agricultural efficiency of the United States.
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