

boto [boh-toh] Examples noun, plural bo·tos.

  1. a freshwater South American dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, having a long snout and fluctuating in color between pink and gray: inhabits the Amazon and Orinoco river systems.

Also called Amazon dolphin. Examples from the Web for boto Historical Examples of boto

  • Boto, in his setting, sounds Goethe’s drama to greater depths than Gounod.

    The Complete Opera Book

    Gustav Kobb

  • Boto’s “Mefistofele” belongs of course to a subsequent period.

    Masters of French Music

    Arthur Hervey

  • The chief one is a votive picture commissioned by one Boto da Maraglia who had been taken prisoner by the French but released.

    Great Masters in Painting: Perugino

    George C. Williamson

  • It appeared in Italia of the day after the performance, at which, it may be mentioned, Boto applauded vigorously from a box.

    Giacomo Puccini

    Wakeling Dry

  • These two, who may be linked up with reason with Boto and Ponchielli, present many features of resemblance.

    Giacomo Puccini

    Wakeling Dry

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