
adjective, blunt·er, blunt·est.

  1. having an obtuse, thick, or dull edge or point; rounded; not sharp: a blunt pencil.
  2. abrupt in address or manner: a blunt, ill-timed question.
  3. slow in perception or understanding; obtuse: His isolation has made him blunt about the feelings of others.

verb (used with object), blunt·ed, blunt·ing.

  1. to make blunt or dull: He blunted the knife by using it to cut linoleum.
  2. to weaken or impair the force, keenness, or susceptibility of: Wine first excites, then blunts the imagination.

verb (used without object), blunt·ed, blunt·ing.

  1. to become blunt or dull.


  1. something blunt, as a small-game arrow, a short sewing needle, or a short, thick cigar.
  2. Slang. a cigar stuffed with marijuana.


  1. (esp of a knife or blade) lacking sharpness or keenness; dull
  2. not having a sharp edge or pointa blunt instrument
  3. (of people, manner of speaking, etc) lacking refinement or subtlety; straightforward and uncomplicated
  4. outspoken; direct and to the pointa blunt Yorkshireman

verb (tr)

  1. to make less sharp
  2. to diminish the sensitivity or perception of; make dull


  1. slang a cannabis cigarette


  1. Anthony . 1907–83, British art historian and Soviet spy
  2. Wilfred Scawen . 1840–1922, British poet, traveller, and anti-imperialist

1550s, “stupidly,” from blunt (adj.) + -ly (2). Meaning “directly” is from 1570s.


c.1200, “dull, obtuse,” perhaps from or related to Old Norse blundra (see blunder (v.)). Of tools or weapons, late 14c. Meaning “abrupt of speech or manner” is from 1580s.


late 14c., from blunt (adj.). Related: Blunted; blunting.


street slang for “marijuana and tobacco cigar” (easier to pass around, easier to disguise, and the stimulant in the tobacco enhances the high from the pot) surfaced c.1993, but is said to have originated among Jamaicans in New York City in the early 1980s; from Phillies Blunt brand cigars; see blunt (adj.), which has been used of certain cigars since 19c.

Users say that the Phillies Blunt brand produces less harsh-tasting or sweeter smoke. The leaf wrapper of a Phillies Blunt is strong enough to hold together through the manipulations of making a blunt. Other brands fall apart. []

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